
Pedro Balta

Pedro Balta

Pedro Balta

Senior Associate |


Lawyer with postgraduate studies in Business Law (USIL), specialization in Compliance and good corporate practices (Universidad del Pacífico). He has experience in natural gas management, public management, constitutional law, environmental law, mining, strategic intelligence, psychological operations, and consulting in the energy sector. He has worked in entities such as the National Intelligence Directorate, Constitutional Court, SUNAT, consulting firms and law firms. He is a prominent speaker on mining contracts and compliance issues, as well as a writer of legal articles.


  • Specialization Program in Compliance and Corporate Best Practices – Universidad del Pacífico (May 2022 – September 2022)
  • Master’s in Business Law – Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (June 2018 – February 2020)
  • Specialization Diploma in Natural Gas Management – ESAN (August 2018 – February 2019)
    • Module III (April – August 2016)
    • Module II (November 2013 – March 2014)
    • Module I (March – July 2013)
  • Specialization Diploma in Mining Law – EGACAL (January – February 2013)
  • Specialization Diploma in Environmental and Constitutional Law – EGACAL (July – August 2012)
  • Law – Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University (Graduated 2005, Top Third)


  • UHY BLANCAS SANDOVAL & ASOCIADOS – Senior Lawyer, Compliance Officer (2019)
  • INHISA HIDRÁULICA S.A. – Legal Representative (June 2019 – Present)
  • BALHU SERVICIOS E.I.R.L. – Owner-Manager (January 2018 – January 2022)
  • DINI – NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORATE – Analyst (December 2006 – December 2017)
  • CONSULTA ABOGADOS S.A.C. – Legal Manager (July 2009 – July 2012)
  • CONSTITUTIONAL COURT – Intern in the Juridical Advisors Area (April 2003 – July 2004)


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