
Ivan Casana

Ivan Casana

Ivan Casana

Senior Associate |


With extensive experience in advising companies to achieve certification in crime prevention according to ISO 37001 and 37301 standards, and in accordance with current legislation, to implement, train, and audit Anti-Bribery Management Systems, Compliance, and Criminal Risk Management Systems.


  • UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III (Madrid) – Diploma in Finance and European Law.
  • ESAN – Master’s in Finance and Corporate Law.


  • Consultancy for the Implementation, Training, and Audit of Regulatory Compliance Management Systems for Public and Private Organizations.
  • Consultancy for the Certification of Management Systems.


  • Certification in ISO 37001 for the Municipality of La Molina, VEOLIA, ARCC, COSAPI, SENACE, FERREYCORP.
  • Certified ISO 37001 Lead Auditor by PECB (Canada).

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