
Carla Romero

Carla Romero

Carla Romero

Senior Associate |


Lawyer from the National University of San Marcos. I have over 10 years of experience as a specialist in Labor Law, labor tax, social security, and immigration. I specialize in the hiring of both national and foreign personnel, conducting due diligence, and labor audits.


  • National University of San Marcos
  • International Labour Organization: Summer Program on “The Future of Work”
  • Women Development Program at CENTRUM PUCP
  • Studies on leadership, decision-making, negotiation, and strategy at Harvard University


  • I am responsible for directing and executing labor due diligence procedures, as well as internal audits: I verify compliance with labor obligations, in addition to accompanying our clients in their daily activities.
  • I have actively participated in corporate restructuring processes, mergers, acquisitions, and the buying and selling of companies from a labor perspective.


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