
Diego Valdivia

Diego Valdivia

Diego Valdivia

Senior Associate |


  • Abogado, graduated from the Universidad Católica San Pablo with a specialization in Customs and Foreign Trade.
  • Graduate of the Course "New Trends in Trade Treaties in Latin America" organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (BID).
  • Graduate of the Course "Advocacy and Trade Policy Reform" conducted by the International Trade Center of the World Trade Organization (WTO).



  • With over 10 years of experience providing customs and foreign trade consulting services, customs planning, due diligence, audit procedures initiated by the Customs Administration (reasonable doubt, customs valuation, tariff classification, drawback, among others), customs and judicial contentious procedures, as well as Authorized Economic Operator certification procedures. Has worked in consulting firms such as KPMG and PwC Peru as the leading manager of the customs area.


  • Member of the Bar Association of Lima, the Peruvian Association of Customs and International Trade Law (APDACI), and the Foreign Trade Facilitation Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Peru (AMCHAM).

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